Chiropractor in North Richland Hills TX
Welcome to Elevation Health Medical! Here at EH Medical, our mission is to find the source of the problem and provide true healing for our patients. We address health in all that it encompasses: physical, mental, spiritual, and chemical. By combining conservative pain management, functional and physical medicine we are able to see healing in our office as well as our patients have never seen before. We are able to provide effective chiropractic care in North Richland Hills because we take your health and care seriously.
Common Misconceptions
A common misconception of those interested in our practice is the lack of benefit or need for chiropractic care combined with medical care for healing. On the contrary, by combining medical and chiropractic, we are able to witness healing at another level. Unfortunately, many issues arise due to spinal misalignments, tight muscles, and/or weakened areas in the body and here at EH Medical we can address those issues in more ways than one. We are not here to prescribe drugs or medication but rather, use physical, functional, and conservative pain management protocols to help our patients heal. Many assume that chiropractic services and medical procedures are expensive, however, here at EH Medical we strive to make your care an affordable option for many with or without insurance.
**Most of our medical procedures are covered by Medicare
It’s time for a new approach to addressing health problems in North Richland Hills
EH Medical offers treatment options to pain and other health conditions not found in most traditional healthcare settings. We have combined the best of medical and alternative treatments, resulting in more treatment options for our patients. When you have more options, you increase your chances of addressing your health problems effectively. Our goal is to help you maximize your health potential because pain and health issue are more than the physical toll on your body. Given enough time it will also affect your social life, bring down your mental strength, and strain your emotional well-being. The staff at EH Medical will take the time to review your situation, develop a plan, and be with you every step of the way to help you improve your quality of life.
We always encourage our patients to come in and see for themselves firsthand what we do and how they can benefit from care at EH Medical. This starts with an initial consultation, followed by an exam with our practitioner and x-rays. If you or someone you know may be interested in our office, please feel free to give us a call at (817) 577-6061 so we can officially meet you and welcome you in!